Sunday, June 2, 2013

There are lots of things trending right now!  Duct tape bows are so in! And its simple as 1 2 3 to make them! If you want to know how to make one follow these steps:

1: Get bobby pin, duct tape and scissors

2:Cut 1 strips of 3 inch duct tape

3:Take 2 strips of duct tape and place them sticky side up overlapping just a little bit. Then take the other 2 strips and put them so that it is sticky side facing sticky side.

4:If there is any sticky part of the duct tape showing cut it off.

5:You should now have a small sheet of duct tape, fold it accordion style.

6:Cut a small strip of duct tape about 1 inch. Then cut is in half

7:Take the small piece and wrap it around the pinched middle it should look like a bow now.

8:Just slip in the bobby pin or barrette right under the middle strip of duct tape (This is the back)

9:Your now finished and can wear your duct tape bow anywhere you want (:

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